... values and capacities that foster the continual renewal and discernment of that vision. -- (3) To design, develop and carry-out all ... values and capacities to foster the continual renewal and discernment of that vision. -- To design, develop and carry out all read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... values and capacities to foster the continual renewal and discernment of that vision. To design, develop and carry out all read more...

Category: Trust Histories
Memorial Trust History April 28, 2020

... values and capacities that foster the continual renewal and discernment of that vision. -- (3) To design, develop and carry-out all ... values and capacities to foster the continual renewal and discernment of that vision. -- To design, develop and carry out all read more...

Category: Trust Histories
MTrust History April 28, 2020

... values and capacities that foster the continual renewal and discernment of that vision. -- (3) To design, develop and carry-out all ... values and capacities to foster the continual renewal and discernment of that vision. -- To design, develop and carry out all read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... and understanding of our present day, and the thought, discernment and interpretation of the future. Of the many read more...

... real stuff, is what Bruce is trying to say, and he used his discernment and his intuition to try to separate the real stuff, the read more...

Category: Oral Histories

... mean, he made that— Larry But it had to be gradual. Tom --discernment that he could bring you along and you weren’t a hopeless read more...

... what it is you are to do, and use your collective discernment to figure that out. There’s a transition here where you read more...

... and form the purpose and the programs out of that community discernment. So, people who lend themselves to that have to first of read more...

... form the purpose and the programs out of that community discernment. So, people who lend themselves to that have to first of read more...

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